65 Ways to practice Self Care at home When Your Feeling Low

April 11th, 2020

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Are you feeling down in the dumps, been running around after everybody else or just a little run down?

Nowadays, with everything going on, it’s become even harder to really take care of ourselves.

Because of all the stress we deal with daily, it becomes even harder to listen to our body.

Often we are so busy taking care of other people, that we neglect the basic needs of our body and mind.

When somebody says Self Care, what does that mean?

When someone practises self care, they are making their emotional, physical and mental health a priority.

Self Care is a form of activity that you should want to do and not something that feels forced.

Practising Self Care is NOT selfish and you shouldn’t be made to feel that way.

After all, how can you effectively look after someone else, if you can’t first take care of yourself.

Why is Self Care so important?

Self Care becomes even more important whenever you feel overwhelmed, stressed and disconnected from everything.

Everyone around the world at some time or another will feel like this and practising Self Care is not only soothing but essential.

Prioritising this aspect of your life is just as important as work, your business or looking after others.

Having a great Self Care routine, will leave you feeling recharged and refuelled to continue your day/ week in the best shape.

Self Care means different things to different people, that is clear.

Which is why I have created a whopping list of 65, yes 65, activities you can do to really take care of yourself during this difficult time.

All of these self care activities you can do at home and should be just what you need!

Implement these small activities into your daily life and see the change in your mental and physical health..

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65 Ways to Practice Self Care at home

  1. Wake up in the morning and feel gratitude
  2. Have a morning stretch
  3. Mediate for mindfulness and calm
  4. Write down your thoughts in a journal
  5. Get dressed for the day as if you were going outside
  6. Give yourself a mani/pedi
  7. Sleep until you’re rested
  8. Practice ‘good’ skincare
  9. Cook a meal using a new recipe
  10. Watch your favourite comedy (go on have a laugh!)
  11. Workout – whether it’s Yoga or HIIT, it’s important to get your body moving
  12. Practice a hobby, something you love to do
  13. Prepare healthy nutritious meals for the whole week
  14. Learn the art of saying no!
  15. Go for a walk
  16. Relax in the garden
  17. Improve your skills by learning a new language 
  18. Read your favourite book (or a new one)
  19. Make a proactive ‘to-do’ list for the day
  20. Listen to an uplifting podcast
  21. Color in an adult coloring book!
  22. Don’t be too hard on yourself 
  23. Call a loved one
  24. Run yourself a relaxing bath
  25. Mix mood enhancing essential oils in a diffuser
  26. Get up and dance
  27. Make a ‘feel good’ musical playlist
  28. Practice focused breathing
  29. Recite positive affirmations – “I am loved, I am strong, I am successful..”
  30. Light a candle
  31. Detox from social media for a full day
  33. Increase your water intake 
  34. Put on a nourishing face mask
  35. Give someone a compliment
  36. Declutter your environment
  37. Write a letter to yourself or a loved one
  38. Make a pitcher of a refreshing drink – lemonade, pimms, sangria 🙂
  39. Have a good cry – never hold it in
  40. Get lost in Netflix for a few hours
  41. Add some flowers to your workspace
  42. Bake some tasty treats
  43. Go out and get some Vitamin D
  44. Go online and learn something new
  45. Rearrange your living space
  46. Create an inspirational vision board
  47. Have a picnic in your garden – great if you have kids!
  48. Power nap in the day if you need to
  49. Buy fresh flowers
  50. Place healing crystals in your bedroom
  51. Write down some goals for the next week, month, year..
  52. Ignore the negative people in your life
  53. Make your very own self care kit
  54. Give to a charity you love
  55. Go online shopping – you’re allowed to treat yourself now and then
  56. Create a DIY lotion or moisturizer
  57. Watch a motivational TED talk
  58. Order or DIY some wall art
  59. Do a crossword puzzle
  60. Start a blog about something you love
  61. Plan your next holiday
  62. Create an inspirational board on Pinterest
  63. Create a photo album or memory scrapbook
  64. Make a bucket list
  65. Learn to love yourself

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There you go..

65 self care ideas for you to do while your stuck at home.

You can implement a few of these a day, for ultimate Self Care. 

If you make it through this list, you’re a real trooper and have totally won.

Good Luck and Take Care..

I created this blog to provide super helpful information and advice regarding all things health and wealth. I love creating content related to making money online and also ways to live a happy and healthy life. Enjoy!

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